Be illustrated as a comic book hero! Order custom art or sequential comic book pages starring YOU or a loved one as a comics hero! See 5 easy steps below! 

Also order custom merchandise featuring you as a comics hero! T-Shirts, Electronics cases/skins, stickers, mugs, etc.


Art gallery examples:

Custom artwork featuring you as hero/heroine!

Be drawn in comics pages/art! Choose an ally or arch-nemesis from a gallery of I.H.'s 41 characters!

Order custom merchandise starring you as hero/heroine! 

T-Shirts , mugs, electronics cases, stickers, buttons, and more!

Read "Internal Hero Presents" webcomic

Read "Internal Hero Presents" to experience the adventures of I.H.'s heroes and heroines!

The Internal Hero Store

Official merchandise featuring Internal Hero characters!

Read about Internal Hero's 41 characters in the Catalog Of Combatants gallery!

Internal Hero WINS 1st Place Grand Prize of the TYT-Squarespace Website Contest! Cenk Uygur, Bro Tip and the rest of The Young Turks crew discuss the top three TYT / Squarespace website contest submissions. Congrats to the winner